20 Min upper body class targeting the arms, chest, shoulders and back utilizing a bench and the Functional Trainer.
15 Min upper body class utilizing the long bar and hadnle attachments to target the chest, shoulders and back.
20 min class focused on the upper body in 2 blocks of work. Equipments needed: A bench, and the handle & long bar attachments.
15 Min class focused on the entire body by supersetting Functional Trainer exercises with bodyweight movements during 4 blocks of work.
20 Min upper body Functional Trainer workout focused on the chest, shoulders and back with 4 blocks of work, each consisting of supersets.
15 Min class focused on the chest, shoulders and back starting with a thorough warmup followed by 5 seperate sets of exercises.
30 Min upper body class targeting the arms, chest, shoulders and back utilizing a bench and the Functional Trainer.
15 Min class focused on the upper body, utilizing the handles and pull up bar to target the chest, shoulders and back.
30 Min class focused on upper body with 3 blocks of work preceded by a thorough warmup.
15 Min class utilizing the handles, rope and pull up bar in 3 blocks of work to target the chest, back and shoulders.
30 Min class focused on upper body with 4 blocks of work preceded by a thorough warmup and ending with a scrupulous cool down.
15 Min class focused on the chest, shoulders and back starting with a thorough warmup followed by 2 blocks of work.
Allows Fitscope classes to be used in a commercial gym or boutique studio (1 location) with up to 500 members. Multiple simultaneous users enabled. Lets Talk!
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