Beginner workout with no inclines featuring moderate speeds & resistances coupled with isolating intervals to target specific muscle groups.
Strength building class featuring heavy hills will moderate speeds. Set to a pop playlist.
Intermedaite workout combining different speed, resistance and incline based intervals for a full body workout.
Adv ride with cadence ranging 70-120 rpm, with an isolation segment in the middle. Moderate to heavy resistance throughout with elbow drops & side-to-side movements.
Longer advanced pyramid workout with intervals ranging from 15 seconds to 1 minute in length, followed by 30 second active recoveries.
No incline advanced level Elliptical workout focusing on endurance with longer sprints and a few heavy climbs towards the end.
Intermediate rhythm rowing workout focused on keeping your stroke rate on the beat of the music, featuring a classic rock playlist.
Low impact power walking with speed and incline intervals. Inclines up to 8%
Allows Fitscope classes to be used in a commercial gym or boutique studio (1 location) with up to 500 members. Multiple simultaneous users enabled. Lets Talk!
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